Leaving the marina in November

Leaving the marina in November

Thursday, December 1, 2016

We have a new new blog because neither of us remember how to access the original blog.

We left New Bern on November 15th and sailed out of Beaufort Inlet later that evening for our first overnight sail on Sea Castle. Arrived in Wrightsville Beach just before sunrise, topped off fuel and then back out thru the Cape Fear River.   A large pod of dolphins joined us for part of the afternoon, about 12 of them swimming under and around the boat.  Our first stop was Wynyah Bay (Georgetown, SC)  at 3 am. We  had a short trip to McClellansville, SC to have dinner with good friends Connie and Pete Wood.  Pete also had a box of spares for us.
Next was a short trip to Charleston where we had dinner with another  old friend, Pat Neeley and a new alternator ( more on the alternator saga later).  On the way back to the boat, our new cheap chinese outboard quit and we had to row back.

We traveled a little along the ICW and then back out thru Port Royal Sound, 2 more overnight stops and arrived at St. Mary's inlet and the Florida border.  Another short day and we arrived at Amy's brother's location where we have been sitting since.
All the little white dots are from our AIS transmitter and are a result of the wind and current moving us around.
We enjoyed a great Thanksgiving with Brian's daughter and relatives and enjoying the great hospitality of Cheryl and Brian for the past week while we get some boat projects completed in the warmer weather.  We are loaded up and will be headed  south early Friday morning.  The next destination is to visit the former owners of Sea Castle in Boca Ratan.

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping to see you here in Vero Beach -- did I miss my chance? =) Meps
